Pharmacy Protocol
We recommend that our clients purchase their medications and preventatives directly from us either at their appointment or through our online pharmacy. These methods guarantee that your pet’s prescriptions have been handled, stored, and packaged in compliance with the manufacturer’s guidelines. Furthermore, these products are guaranteed by the manufacturer and ensure that the medication is the correct drug and proper dosage.
We understand that you may choose to purchase medications from outside or online pharmacies instead of directly from us. We highly recommend only purchasing from properly accredited and certified veterinary pharmacies. If you choose to purchase medications from other sources, we cannot guarantee these products.
That said, if you do choose to obtain your pet’s medications through an external source, we will certainly accommodate your request. Clients who opt to obtain their pet’s medication through these avenues will need to pick up a written prescription at our hospital during normal business hours. We will not process orders for medications or preventatives sent to us via phone or fax from online suppliers or from outside pharmacies.
Why did we institute this policy? We did so for a few reasons listed below:
- To reduce the risk of counterfeit, expired, improperly handled medications, improper labeling, refilling inappropriately, etc. We feel that it is better medicine to have written documentation of a prescription that is filled outside of our hospital.
- To ensure our team has the ability to focus on taking care of our patients and clients instead of answering faxes and calling pharmacies.
- We understand that cost is a big reason our clients purchase from outside pharmacies and online retailers. We do our very best to make our medications and preventatives affordable. We routinely compare our prices to other online providers to make sure that our prices are competitive. By purchasing directly from our hospital and from our online store, you are supporting our local business.
If you have and further questions about our policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for trusting us with your pet’s medical care! Please click here for our online pharmacy.